My purpose today is to get the rows with unique data based on criteria of uniqueness value on the column, including combinations of column. As you may think, just use the DISTINCT clause. You are right! Let's try with PostgreSQL.
Firt, list the data using this statement:
SELECT a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job, h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
nik nama job akunno alokasi
100.200 ALBERT Manajer 400 0.00
100.300 JHONI Danru Satpam 423 1.00
100.400 ZAENAL Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
100.500 ROBI Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.08 0.40
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.11 0.50
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.12 0.50
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.08 0.40
400.600 OPA OPO Kerani I TUK 401 1.00
DISTINCT will remove all duplicate rows from the result set and one row is kept from each group of duplicates. Let's try with DISTINCT clause:
SELECT DISTINCT a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job, h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
What is your result?
I've got same result set with previous!
Now try with this command:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (nik,nama) a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job,h.akunno, h.alokasi
ester.maskar a
ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
nik nama job akunno alokasi
100.200 ALBERT Manajer 400 0.00
100.300 JHONI Danru Satpam 423 1.00
100.400 ZAENAL Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
100.500 ROBI Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.11 0.50
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
400.600 OPA OPO Kerani I TUK 401 1.00
Those are the result set that I want.
DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of each set of rows where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The DISTINCT ON expressions are interpreted using the same rules as for ORDER BY. Note that the "first row" of each set is unpredictable unless ORDER BY is used to ensure that the desired row appears first.
The DISTINCT ON expression(s) must match the leftmost ORDER BY expression(s). The ORDER BY clause will normally contain additional expression(s) that determine the desired precedence of rows within each DISTINCT ON group.
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