Recursive queries are typically used to deal with hierarchical or tree-structured data, such as chart of accounts (COA). COA is a listing all the accounts in the general ledger in such a way that forms a hierarchical structure, for example the following:
acc_id parid acc_code acc_name acc_level
1 10.0000.0000 AKTIVA 0
2 1 11.0000.0000 AKTIVA LANCAR 1
3 2 11.1000.0000 Kas dan Setara Kas 2
4 3 11.1100.0000 Kas 3
5 4 11.1110.0000 Kas - Program Kemitraan 4
6 4 11.1120.0000 Kas - Bina Lingkungan 4
7 3 11.1200.0000 Bank 3
8 7 11.1210.0000 Bank - Program Kemitraan 4
116 97 22.0000.0000 KEWAJIBAN JANGKA PANJANG 1
117 116 22.2000.0000 Hutang Kepada BUMN Pembina Lain 2
119 116 22.9000.0000 Hutang Jangka Panjang Lainnya 2
122 30.0000.0000 AKTIVA BERSIH 0
123 122 33.0000.0000 PENYISIHAN 1
The list is generated by running the following SQL command:
WITH RECURSIVE tree AS (SELECT acc_id,acc_code, acc_parid, acc_name ,0 AS acc_level
FROM tova.coa WHERE acc_parid IS NULL
SELECT c.acc_id, c.acc_code, c.acc_parid, c.acc_name, acc_level+1 AS acc_level
FROM tova.coa c JOIN tree t ON t.acc_id = c.acc_parid)
SELECT acc_id, acc_parid, tova.getakunttk(acc_code), acc_name, acc_level
FROM tree b order by 3;
I save the transaction only at the lowest level account, of course user still can see reports for each account in a hierarchy. The stored function below will display accounts hierarchy.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tova.getcoa_allchildofparentrec(IN pacc_parid integer)
RETURNS TABLE (acc_id integer,acc_code character varying, acc_name character varying) AS
SELECT a.acc_id, a.acc_code as acc_code,a.acc_name
FROM tova.coa a WHERE acc_parid = $1
SELECT a.acc_id, a.acc_code as acc_code,a.acc_name
FROM tova.coa a, tree t WHERE t.acc_id = a.acc_parid)
SELECT h.acc_id,h.acc_code, h.acc_name FROM tree h;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
To display the coa's tree, just call this:
select acc_code, acc_name from ferry.getcoa_allchildofparentrec(34) order by 1;
acc_code acc_name
11.3610.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Industri
11.3610.6108 PPMB Sektor Industri - Kab. Landak
11.3610.6103 PPMB Sektor Industri - Kab. Sanggau
11.3610.6301 PPMB Sektor Industri - Kab. Tanah Laut
11.3610.6309 PPMB Sektor Industri - Kab. Tabalong
11.3610.6105 PPMB Sektor Industri - Kab. Sintang
11.3610.6303 PPMB Sektor Industri - Kab. Banjar
11.3610.6100 PPMB Sektor Industri Prov. Kalimantan Barat
11.3610.6171 PPMB Sektor Industri - Kota Pontianak
11.3620.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Perdagangan
11.3630.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Pertanian
11.3640.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Peternakan
11.3650.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Perkebunan
11.3660.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Perikanan
11.3670.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Jasa
11.3680.0000 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Lain
11.3610.6300 Sektor Industri Prov. Kalimantan Selatan
11.3610.6310 PPMB - Sektor Industri - Kab. Tanah Bumbu
11.3670.6171 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Jasa - Kota Pontianak
11.3660.6171 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Perikanan - Kota Pontianak
11.3680.6171 Piutang Pinjaman Mitra Binaan - Sektor Lain - Kota Pontianak
Kamis, 21 Februari 2013
Minggu, 23 September 2012
PostgreSQL: Invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF8
I have a comma delimited file (.csv) contains stock master data and wanto to import them into PostgreSQL table .During importing, I am facing Invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8" error message.
C:\>psql -Umyname -dmydb -p5490
--1. do import
mydb=# \copy myshema.stocks from C:\temp\inv.csv with delimiter as ';'csv
ERROR: Invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xa0
CONTEXT: copy stock, line 26120
--2. check my client encoding
mydb=# show client_encoding;
(1 row)
--3. modify my client encoding
mydb=# \client_encoding LATIN1
--3a. check current client encoding
mydb=# show client_encoding;
(1 row)
--4. Re do importing
mydb=# \copy myshema.stocks from C:\temp\inv.csv with delimiter as ';'csv
--5. reset client_encoding;
That is it.
Kamis, 20 September 2012
Create a Control to act like a Button
System.Windows.Forms.UserControl provides an empty control that can be used to create other controls. We might consider to inherit the class to create a control with custom appearance, feature and behaviour.
I then create a control that functionally same as standard button, but my control could not be be assign to AcceptButton and CancelButton property of a form. To allows the control to act like a button on a form, just implement the IButtonControl interface to the control.
public class FerBtn : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, System.Windows.Forms.IButtonControl
After visit this, I copy and paste the DialogResult property, the NotifyDefault and PerformClick methods, and add a definition for IsDefault.
private bool mIsDefault;
public bool IsDefault
get { return this.mIsDefault; }
set { this.mIsDefault = value; }
Now this control could be assign to AcceptButton and CancelButton property of a form.
I then create a control that functionally same as standard button, but my control could not be be assign to AcceptButton and CancelButton property of a form. To allows the control to act like a button on a form, just implement the IButtonControl interface to the control.
public class FerBtn : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, System.Windows.Forms.IButtonControl
After visit this, I copy and paste the DialogResult property, the NotifyDefault and PerformClick methods, and add a definition for IsDefault.
private bool mIsDefault;
public bool IsDefault
get { return this.mIsDefault; }
set { this.mIsDefault = value; }
Now this control could be assign to AcceptButton and CancelButton property of a form.
Selasa, 18 September 2012
To Get Distinct Rows By specific columns
My purpose today is to get the rows with unique data based on criteria of uniqueness value on the column, including combinations of column. As you may think, just use the DISTINCT clause. You are right! Let's try with PostgreSQL.
Firt, list the data using this statement:
SELECT a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job, h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
nik nama job akunno alokasi
100.200 ALBERT Manajer 400 0.00
100.300 JHONI Danru Satpam 423 1.00
100.400 ZAENAL Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
100.500 ROBI Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.08 0.40
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.11 0.50
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.12 0.50
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.08 0.40
400.600 OPA OPO Kerani I TUK 401 1.00
DISTINCT will remove all duplicate rows from the result set and one row is kept from each group of duplicates. Let's try with DISTINCT clause:
SELECT DISTINCT a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job, h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
What is your result?
I've got same result set with previous!
Now try with this command:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (nik,nama) a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job,h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
nik nama job akunno alokasi
100.200 ALBERT Manajer 400 0.00
100.300 JHONI Danru Satpam 423 1.00
100.400 ZAENAL Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
100.500 ROBI Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.11 0.50
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
400.600 OPA OPO Kerani I TUK 401 1.00
Those are the result set that I want.
DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of each set of rows where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The DISTINCT ON expressions are interpreted using the same rules as for ORDER BY. Note that the "first row" of each set is unpredictable unless ORDER BY is used to ensure that the desired row appears first.
The DISTINCT ON expression(s) must match the leftmost ORDER BY expression(s). The ORDER BY clause will normally contain additional expression(s) that determine the desired precedence of rows within each DISTINCT ON group.
Firt, list the data using this statement:
SELECT a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job, h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
nik nama job akunno alokasi
100.200 ALBERT Manajer 400 0.00
100.300 JHONI Danru Satpam 423 1.00
100.400 ZAENAL Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
100.500 ROBI Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.08 0.40
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.11 0.50
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.12 0.50
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.08 0.40
400.600 OPA OPO Kerani I TUK 401 1.00
DISTINCT will remove all duplicate rows from the result set and one row is kept from each group of duplicates. Let's try with DISTINCT clause:
SELECT DISTINCT a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job, h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
What is your result?
I've got same result set with previous!
Now try with this command:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (nik,nama) a.nik, a.nama, g.ket as job,h.akunno, h.alokasi
FROM ester.maskar a
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajob g ON a.jabid=g.idku
INNER JOIN ester.setnamajobakun h ON g.idku=h.jobid
WHERE a.thn=2012 AND a.unitid = 16 ORDER BY a.nik, a.nama
nik nama job akunno alokasi
100.200 ALBERT Manajer 400 0.00
100.300 JHONI Danru Satpam 423 1.00
100.400 ZAENAL Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
100.500 ROBI Anggota Satpam 423 1.00
200.400 TEDDY Operator St. Kempa 603.07 0.40
300.500 JOKO Operator Kolam Limbah 603.11 0.50
300.650 SEPTIAN Operator St. Kempa 603.09 0.20
400.600 OPA OPO Kerani I TUK 401 1.00
Those are the result set that I want.
DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of each set of rows where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The DISTINCT ON expressions are interpreted using the same rules as for ORDER BY. Note that the "first row" of each set is unpredictable unless ORDER BY is used to ensure that the desired row appears first.
The DISTINCT ON expression(s) must match the leftmost ORDER BY expression(s). The ORDER BY clause will normally contain additional expression(s) that determine the desired precedence of rows within each DISTINCT ON group.
Minggu, 09 September 2012
Eclipse: Tomcat Server ports are already in use
Working with Eclipse IDE, I use Apache Tomcat to hosting applications on Windows. I forgot what I've done when encounter this problem:"Several ports required by Tomcat are already in use."
C:>TASKLIST /FI "PID eq 5740"
then re run the server from Eclipse environment.
Yes, there must be another process using the ports. Apache Tomcat service was not started on Windows Sevices. Also I've checked using web browser http://localhost:8080/ and I got status report 404 message. Yes Apache Tomcat still run and listening on 8080. I suspect that the problem arises because using Eclipse incorrectly.
To list the listening port using: C:>NETSTAT -na | find "LISTENING"
Yes they were running. The running process could not stopped when exit from Eclipse IDE. Oh yeah, i've terminated the Eclipse IDE abnormally using End Process on Task Manager. So I have to kill the PID:
C:>TASKLIST /FI "PID eq 5740"
then re run the server from Eclipse environment.
It works.
Senin, 05 Maret 2012
Remove Title Atributes of Menu Links from Taxonomy Generated Menu
Drupal 7: To generate menus using Taxonomy menu, we do the following steps:
2. Click the Edit tab
3. Select MENU location from list.
3. Check the option to "Select to rebuild the menu on submit".
4. Click the Save button, so a menu structure will be generated for the selected Vocabulary.
But I have a problem with the title attribute of URLs that are automatically filled in by the descriptions of vocabulary terms. I thought this is quite annoying, especially against the long description.
Do not hack core. This phrase is commonly heard in the Drupal community.
For my requirement, I've did this:
Modify taxonomy_menu.module file under \myhome\sites\all\modules\taxonomy_menu\ directories, to make changes of the function_taxonomy_menu_save. At line number 568-569 which contains the command:
'options' => array('attributes' => array('title' => trim($item['description'])
? $item['description'] : $item['name'])),
commenting out the line:
/* 'options' => array('attributes' => array('title' => trim($item['description'])
? $item['description'] : $item['name'])), */
After hitting my menu at, click Edit of each generated menu link to clear 'Description' field, I repeat the four steps above to rebuild menu, now Title attribute dissapear from menu link.
Jumat, 02 Maret 2012
Forgot Debian Root Password
Here I tell you what I did
- Reboot server.
- Press downarrow key, and grub-boot loader screen appears.
- I select the line start with "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2.686 root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet".
- Press 'e' to edit the argument and modify the line to: "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2.686 root=/dev/sda1 rw single init=/bin/bash"
- Press 'b' to boot
- Bash prompt appears....but I was facing the problem that the keyboard did not work..(I've got error messages something like:"Device not accepting", "Unenumerate", that tell USB port not recognized)....I am using KVM Switch. I did unplug the USB keyboard from KVM Switch then plugging in another USB keyboard.
- After repeating steps 1-5, I was able to type using the new keyboard.
- I was trying using mount command such as:
#mount -n -o remount rw /
#mount -rw -o remount /
#mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /usr
but passwd command failed. ("bash: passwd: command not found")
(Perhaps it would works if I (re)mount rest of all my partitions in read/write (rw) mode such as /usr /var etc, but i did not do at the time).
What I did then was disabling the root password from the password file using Nano editor. I've check that the second data field in /etc/passwd is “x” for every username, so the system uses shadow passwords, and I must edit /etc/shadow.
- #nano /etc/shadow
I changed==> root:this_is_the_encrypted_passwd:15401:0:99999:7:::
to this ====> root::15401:0:99999:7:::
(Edit the second data field in the password file so that it is empty.)
Reboot the system and at the login prompt, type root (without password).
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