In 2009, my brother and I visited our mother (3 hours for my flight and 4 hours for my brother) we also bought a chess board and playing chess to fill our days. We played since childhood. We enjoy chess (and other sports too) because our father loved to play chess and I think it comes from our father's hobby. .....When playing chess, we then thought that maybe there is a game of chess online is available on the internet.
After returning from our mother place, I was goggling and found the game of chess online. I called my brother and we continue to fight again over internet (using GPS I measure that our air distance is about 900km ). Still...I could not defeat him.
By the way, I learned many things, from articles, quizzes, voting chess, opening and variants, analysis, etc.. Also, I can join the tournament among nations or among special teams.
My best score is 1,794 (201 wins, 12 loses, and 34 drawn) and today I am ranked 10,373 of 93,999 players. Scores of new players is the beginning of 1,200. The highest score for today is 2,996. Soon I'll get the 1,800 score
. Here a sample of my game that I won. My friend is a good player and have 2,044 score while I was 1,758, but he loss on this game.
As I write this blog, there are 1,134,182 Members with 4,303 Teams and currently play 167,073 Games; Online members are 3,959; and 2,590 play Live chess.
This chess online use Glicko system (a chess rating system) as a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players. The Glicko system is currently implemented on the free internet chess server (FICS), and variations of the Glicko system have been adapted for several commercial internet gaming organizations such as ChronX, Case's Ladder, and the Gothic Chess Association.
Here, there are many players who have FM, NM, IM, CM title. Wish I could play with some of them but I have to win more games before I could make a challenge! ..a hope..
For a quick reference:
Candidate Master (CM)
The most usual way for a player to qualify for the Candidate Master title is by achieving an Elo rating of 2200 or more.
FIDE Master (FM)
The most usual way for a player to qualify for the FIDE Master title is by achieving an Elo rating of 2300 or more.
International Master (IM)
The title International Master is awarded to strong chess players. IMs usually have an Elo rating between 2400 and 2500. Sometimes, though, there may be a very strong IM who has not yet become a Grandmaster but has a rating greater than 2500.
The IM title can also be awarded for a few specific performances. For example, under current rules, the runner up at the World Junior Championship will be awarded the IM title if he or she does not already have it.
After becoming an IM, most professional players set their next goal as becoming a Grandmaster. It is also possible to become a Grandmaster without ever having been an International Master. Larry Christiansen of the United States (1977), Boris Gelfand of Israel (1988), and former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik of Russia all became Grandmasters without ever having been an IM. However, the more usual path is first to become an IM, then move on to the GM level.
International Master titles are also awarded to correspondence chess players by the International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF), and composers and solvers of chess problems.
Grandmaster (GM)
The title Grandmaster is awarded to outstanding chess players by FIDE. Apart from World Champion, Grandmaster is the highest title a chess player can attain. Once achieved, the title is held for life. This title can be awarded to the players with an Elo rating greater than 2500. Vishwanathan Anand, Garry Kasparov, and Vladimir Kramnik are a few examples of GMs.
What about you? Do you have any suggestions for other online games?
:)) senang game juga toh
BalasHapusMaster of catur, ahli pikir.
BalasHapushi friends, asik mainnya meski banyak kalahnya:)