
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Cryptographic on FreeBSD

I have two Postgresql installed one on Windows (at home) and FreeBSD (at some place out there). I use pgcrypto for encrypting sensitive data. On Windows I have installed the library by executing C:\sistemku\PostgreSQL\9.0\share\contrib\pgcrypto.sql file.

Now it's time for me to send my work to remote server.
I am making a backup secret.db by using pg_dump, then transfer the backup file onto remote server using FTP command. With PuTTY via modem connection, I restored the database. Make some test of web site contents, they looks okay except for crytographic functions. Yeah...the FreeBSD server has no pgcrypto installed.

#find / -name pgcrypto.sql (the file does not exist).

1st attempt: Execute pgcrypto.sql, as you might suspect.., it failed. I have FTPed the file before.
2nd attempt: Type this command using psql:

RETURNS bytea AS '$libdir/pgcrypto', 'pg_digest'

Again an error message raised "libdir not found".

3rd attempt: Use port to install pgcrypto with the following steps:
1. Install pgcrypto module
#cd /usr/ports/database/postgresql-contrib
#make config
#make install clean

I could found /usr/local/lib/postgresql/pgcrypto.so and /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib/pgcrypto.sql.

2. To access library functions, I load stored procedures onto my secret database.
# psql -U binsar -d secredb -f /usr/local/share/postgresql/contrib/pgcrypto.sql

3. Check if cyptographic function loaded.

secretdb=# \df digest
List of functions
Schema Name Type Argument
public digest bytea bytea, text
public digest bytea text, text

4. It works, and get my coffee.

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