
Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Data Verification and Validation

Verification is a quality control process that is used to evaluate whether a product, service, or system complies with regulations, specifications, or conditions imposed at the start of a development phase. Verification can be in development, scale-up, or production. This is often an internal process.

Validation is a quality assurance process of establishing evidence that provides a high degree of assurance that a product, service, or system accomplishes its intended requirements. This often involves acceptance of fitness for purpose with end users and other product stakeholders. This is often an external process.

It is sometimes said that validation can be expressed by the query "Are you building the right thing?" and verification by "Are you building it right?"

"Building the right thing" refers back to the user's needs, while "building it right" checks that the specifications are correctly implemented by the system. In some contexts, it is required to have written requirements for both as well as formal procedures or protocols for determining compliance.

Verification and validation is done to make sure that the data is accurate and error free as the incorrect data can lead to data deformation or miss understanding of the document.

Data verification checks that the document meets specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose this can be done by doing some checks like double entry so that the data must be entered twice or proof reading to make sure it is accurate and no errors in it, as for validations , it can be done by coding which means giving a code to specific words so that it would be easier to enter and the probability of mistake will be less ,also format check can be done as it checks that the data are in a specific format, added to that ,spelling and grammar checks for checking the language and writing mistakes.

Data validation checks that data are valid, sensible, reasonable before they are processed it is a quality assurance process of establishing evidence that provides a high degree of assurance that the document accomplishes its intended requirements.

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