Today I have work with LINQ to MySQL, and arrived at DbLinq.
DbLinq is the LINQ provider that allows to use common databases with an API close to Linq to SQL. DbLinq is a reimplementation of System.Data.Linq.dll for use with SQL servers. It supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Ingres, Firebird, and SQL Server.
This code use DbLinq 0.20.1 (released 2010-04-16).
1. Download and extract DbLinq to c:\DbLinq-0.20.1
2. Copy run_myMetal.bat to runme.bat, and modify it to
DbMetal.exe /conn:"server=localhost;user id=myname;password=a; port=3306; database=mydb" /provider=MySql /code:FerDBLinq.cs /language:C#
4. Execute runme.bat so we get FerDBLinq.cs. Copy the file into your project folder then use Add Existing items from Solution Explorer.
5. Add reference to DbLinq.dll, DbLinq.MySql.dll
6. Open FerDBLing.cs file, add these in the beginning:
using DbLinq.MySql;
using DbLinq.Data.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
Here code snippets that follows:
public partial class myDBS: MySqlDataContext
#region Extensibility Method Declarations
partial void OnCreated();
public myDBS(string conStr) : base(new MySqlConnection(conStr)) { }
public myDBS(MySqlConnection conn): base(conn){}
public DbLinq.Data.Linq.Table<BUkUBeSaR> BUkUBeSaR
get { return this.GetTable<BUkUBeSaR>();}
5. Creata a function for testing purpose.
private void linqing()
using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(GconString))
myDBS db = new myDBS(conn);
var q = (from p in db.PerSoNaL where p.member=="Y";
Console.WriteLine("Output #1:");
foreach (var a in q)
Console.WriteLine("id= {0}, ket= {1}", a.PK,;
var r = from p in db.PerSoNaL group p by into g
select new { sex = g.Key, Count = g.Count() };
Console.WriteLine("Output #2:");
var t = db.PerSoNaL.GroupBy(p =>;
var u = t.Select(g => new {g.Key, Count = g.Count()});
Console.WriteLine("Output #3:");
foreach (var a in u)
Console.WriteLine("sex={0}, count={1}", a.Key, a.Count);
int cnt = (from p in db.PerSoNaL group p by;
Console.WriteLine("Output #4:\nCount={0}", cnt);
var s=db.PerSoNaL.GroupBy(c=>;
Console.WriteLine("Output #5:");
foreach (var a in s)
Console.WriteLine("sex "+a.Key+ ", count=" +a.Count());
catch (Exception ex)
The output:
Dblinq works for me, but I could not resolve about the count(), for Male(L) and Female(P) always return 1. I've read issue 157 and 158, but still locked. Do you have any idea?